Standing with Israel 7/10 | #BringThemHomeNow

Through The Junction, we invest in visionary founders before others are ready

Our pre-seed platform provides the guidance, network, and capital you need to break out

We have launched hundreds of companies with support that is tailor-made to your needs and a community of 5,000+ alumni to help on your journey

How it Works

Over the years The Junction has evolved into the most dynamic and progressive platform to achieve early market validation scale
Join our community
The Junction is a family of founders committed to meeting and supporting you with valuable advice and feedback.
Validate your vision
We are a community with thousands of alumni and industry professionals to guide you and launch commercial pilots.
Close seed round
Our goal is to get you to the optimal seed round with a clear plan and great partners within six months.
Pre-seed round
F2 leads your pre-seed round with founder friendly terms
Commercial pilots
We open the door to design partners and multinationals
Seed round
F2 is ready to lead or join your seed round with great partners
